Conversation Between Ash1ey and Forever Zero

349 Visitor Messages

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  1. *pokes* how s life
  2. Ack, that sucks being sick. I am doing ok. Not really up to much lately lol.
  3. I just got over being super sick for the past week and a half so its nice to be healthy again :P Doing pretty alright. Up to anything fun lately?
  4. I've been doing good. How about you?
  5. MEOW :3

    How are you xD
  6. Kitty face!??! *()_+;;
  7. meow :3
  8. oki kewl i added you on my wii u x3

    those are good cohices, i'm hyped for a of those too, like bloodborne, ff type 0 , neptunia re:birth 2, hyperdevotion noire, omega quintet, absolutely xenoblade for wii u!!! sword art online lost song... to namae a few

    its gonna be a super crazy year for gameing! Its already starrting off good too
  9. Yeah, I have a Wii U. My id is the same as my PSN (zaracoatl). I'll add you next time I'm on the system. There are quite a few games I am looking forward to this year such as new Xenoblade, Majora's Mask, Puzzle&Dragons, Final Fantasy Type0, Mario Maker, BloodBorne, Etrian Mystery Dungeon, and maybe a few others I am missing, lol. What are you looking forward to?
  10. yeah I'm really looking forward to going to MAGfest, its giong to be my first ever vacation away from home, and my first convention

    I know of Terraria, but never played it myself! Glad you're having fun with it I've been playing Bayonetta 2 lately for Wii U, and its a pretty damn amazing and funny action game :3 Do you got a Wii U? If you do you should add me :3 my nintnedo ID is pamperedprincess (lol xD)

    Anything you're looking forward to this year?
  11. Cool! Magfest should be fun.

    I played some Phantasy Star Nova. I haven't beat it yet but I think it's pretty good so far. Lately I've been addicted to this game called Terraria. It's like Minecraft but it's 2D. I don't play many indie games but thought this one has been very addicting so far lol.
  12. Am doing okay just struggling with back pains. I"m going away to maryland next week for magfest, I'm so excited

    Playing any good games lately? I finished Phantasy Star Nova the other day and thought it was one of the best Phantasy Star games I've ever played
  13. Hey, Ashley. Everything is going good. How have you been?
  14. hows lyfe?
  15. Cool! I've been meaning to check that game out sometime. I hear nothing but good things about it. I'm waiting on the PS4 version to price drop.
  16. Glad everything is good :3 Things are pretty alright over here.
    Just gaming like usual. Been playing The Last of Us. Its so good!
  17. Hey, what's up! Everything is going good with me. How are you doing?
  18. hows life girl? ()_+|
  19. IF is awesome and junk. i wish there was more english voice acting, cause the dub of all the nepnep games are realy great the japanese voices every scene is voiced xD no fair :'(
  20. So far I like Neptune and IF. Broccoli also seems interesting too. XD
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 40 of 349
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