Conversation Between ARASHIKAGE and Seth Astra

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. HELL YEAH!!!

    One problem...

    Still no Wi-fi...

    I want to play MHTri and The Conduit SO BADLY!!!
  2. What's up man, want to play Monster Hunter Tri!?
  3. I will think about that. Even when I did have Wi-Fi, it wasn't too reliable. Some days I just could not log on, and some days I got kicked all the time. Thanks.
  4. Nyko makes a reliable lan adapter for the Wii, 20 bucks though. But it's worth it if your wifi is not as reliable.
  5. Sadly, my Wii's internet is down. I used one of those Wi-Fi USB dongle things, the Nintendo-specific one, and, well... My comp runs Windows 7 now. In other words: Not compatable. Trust me, I would LOVE to hit Tri again. But, ah well.
  6. Yo, if your up for some MH Tri, I'll be playing with "Junko" (HR 40) tonight.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 26 of 26
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