Conversation Between Calliope and Alice112

55 Visitor Messages

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  1. Good luck!
  2. Thanks now I must sleep at hospital.
  3. Then rest well Good luck at your doctor!
  4. Dont worry Iam fine... I just need a rest.
  5. Well today I will go to doctor again.
  6. Well, for me, it means that there likely isn't anything majorly serious with my brain, so that is good at least.
  7. O_O Are you going to be okay?
  8. Soo...What? Yesterday I'm see a doctor.Something trouble with my heart
  9. Gah, doctor didn't get my results in >.<
    On a plus note, the faster they get the results the worse the diagnosis, so...
  10. Me too, but good or bad it takes one week to learn the results.
  11. I hope that isn't bad....
  12. Not yet, I need to see my doctor on Friday to find out.
  13. Sleepy again?
    Did u know the detail from CT Scanner?
  14. Sleepy ; I have to be up early for work today
  15. Hi how are you?
  16. Well, the CT scanner is kinda like a huge doughnut, and you are moved in and out of it three times. Its pretty cool.
  17. Really?
    What it like?
  18. Thanks! I'll know the details soon! CT Scans are really cool, by the way.
  19. Oh....
    Anyways get well soon!
  20. Not from a virus, no. It's something with the blood vessels in my head, so I need to have a CT scan done.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 40 of 55
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