Conversation Between Vintasticvin and Dragonlily

38 Visitor Messages

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  1. Awesomeness and thanks a bunch Lily hopefully my laptop can handle the game D:
  2. If you do I'd be happy to see you and lend a hand. Give me a shout out here and I can help ya get started!
  3. Pookeh, thought I letcha know theres so much good being said about FF14 I may have to take a look at it when the game is released :P
  4. Yeah they are pretty fun to enter in. Hopefully FF14 has a fashion community too?
  5. Same here but still shocked at me being the fifth wheel of the double date Now we sit wait and enjoy the show while I play pso1 with my a scruffy zombie puppy sleeping on my lap.
  6. I entered too but I guess my picture wasn't perfect! lol No worries tho I enjoy participating
  7. O.o I what?! *Goes to Picture Perfect and goes squeals like a excited varsity cheer leader*Thank you Lilly <3 *hug* this is amazing and such a surprise to see!
  8. Woot Vin! Grats on the nomination for the Picture Perfect!
  9. Panda!!! <333
  10. I'll keep an eye out for you online so I can show you and get further side tracked from my leveling/xp grinding/ succumbing to Koffee's sadistic will (Missions) just for spending time to talk briefly and show you stuff (and take a few pics) I also realized that if I was to wear the bear armor I would probably look like a panda.
  11. Awww ty I love the outfit. I don't think I've seen you in it tho. I would like to.
  12. Saw your new pics and I was like "Ugh Pooky looks much better than "Vanessa" in the shrine maiden armor." ^_^ You did a great job with the body coloring <3 Keep it up!
  13. Muahahaha I shall blind the world with Hot Pink! lol
  14. Dat pink is so blinding!
  15. :P Yeah I sure do pull off the fleshy headed cast good and I too like being different from the rest that looks alike and the best part about being a cast is the cool looking armor and levels customization.
  16. Ty I like being different than all the other ppl I've seen. After awhile everyone just blends @.@. That's the best thing about cast. You can look different while looking good! I don't have the face for the actual cast heads tho. You pull that off tho!!
  17. Thank you and yes I accepted well for sure I know we frequent the monthly SS thread as for the fashion thread I'll poke in from time to time. I would like to submit admissions to be judged but its heavily AC and advanced level oriented also you do the CAST playerbase proud on that thread showing the fleshies you can be just as stylish.
  18. You always so nice and I love that I sent you a befriend and I hope you accept. All the pics you post are awesome. I enjoy the fashion thread and SS thread the most as I'm sure you can tell lol.
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