Conversation Between Gundamwing123 and Drk

33 Visitor Messages

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  1. hmmm thinking about stating a Hucast- If i do lets do sum runs
  2. Ainstraffe, Morgenlote, and Ancient Robe are 7* and I'm offering them for trade.
  3. Wifi failed sry
  4. Yes, I added your code.
  5. Could you host?
  6. I'll join you then, my friends left
  7. Gundam just join meh room then add them K?
  8. But I prefer to use my HUcast right now.
  9. 4641 2013 1996 yeah I have more people
  10. Wait, actually I would like to be host first so you can register meh friend.
  11. So, would you be interested in being host?
  12. PSZ -lets go big
  13. Would you be interested in playing psz right now?
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 33 of 33
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