Conversation Between Ghoul and DoctorQuark

37 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah, why?
  2. Is Yoshi still on the chat?
  3. It's fine. :3 I survived, even without ya. ;3
  4. Sorry! D: Last night my internet and phone randomly went out when I hit "post". :/
  5. We could always leave a path of fire and destruction in our wake, whilst searching for another temple.
  6. *claps hands and points at Ghoul* Yes. :3 Genius. But... Once we're done... Meh. I'd need something to occupy my time with while I scout for another temple. :3
  7. We could burn it to the ground.
    I mean, we could uh...
    Help those left living.... To uh.... Get along with us...?
  8. And once we're finished, we can- wait, what after that? :3
  9. And perhaps we could kill the inhabita- I mean, defeat the hostiles inside.
  10. Intriguing. :3 *finishes the last of the tea and tosses the cup, which promptly explodes into oblivion* We should go find a temple so we can ravage it's structural beau- I mean, search for it's grand treasures. :3
  11. Hm, the tea? Oh, it's made of Lemon and Strawberry juice. You also add in a slight bit of powdered sugar. I found the recipe in a treasure box inside an old temple.
  12. Hm. Quite. :3 *sips more tea* You know, I dare say that this tea is quite delectable. Tell me, where did you acquire it? And what is it made of? :3 *puts on monocle*
  13. Ironically, I'd just gotten off the chat box when you replied. -sipping tea, then nibbles on the roll-
  14. WTF IS THIS okay. :3 *graciously accepts the tea, sipping it* So tell me, Ghoul. Why don't you just mosey on over to the chat box? We'll have a grand ol' time. ;3
  15. Sure.
    -Take the roll-
    -Tea appears-
    Strawberry Lemon Tea?
  16. Indeed, it is you. :3

    PAFF. *cream pastry appears out of nowhere* Profiterole? :3
  17. PASHOOM.
    It is I.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 37 of 37
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