Conversation Between Izanagi00 and Nilkemios

53 Visitor Messages

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  1. Happy Black Friday meow! :3
  2. Have a happy Thanksgiving as well Riko.
  3. Have a good Thanksgiving okee? :3
  4. Sure Thing now if only psn could stop being such a pain.>:[
  5. Thanks for the fun day today. :3
  6. Okee meow. :3
  7. I have to apologize won't be able to make it today sorry about that. I forgot that I had something important to do. Hope to see you either Sunday or Monday if I can.
  8. Sure np, you're right it hasn't been that fun in awhile. I'll make sure to sign on again tomorrow.
  9. Thanks for being there today, I haven't had that much fun in a long time. Hope to see you tomorrow. :3
  10. Ah I see, I'll keep visiting the site even if I don't play anymore to talk to you guys. But, I've got to say I was testing if I could still hold my own and it's like I never retired.
  11. Aww..okee. I'm still around, but barely. >>
  12. I apologize for the late reply. I've been in retirement and don't think I'll return the want to play just isn't there anymore. Are you still around in psp2?
  13. Um, hello. How are you?
  14. Not so far. I should do that. Meow. :3
  15. Well at least you've got plans that's good. Interest drops to about 10% for psp games so I'm looking into other things now. Sorry about that kitten but I guess things like this happen. Have you spoken to Psy lately?
  16. Yes, and yes I've got something figured out. It's just that the next few days will be quite busy, so I may not have much time to play for a while. (I am a sad kitty right now.)
  17. Oh man that sucks have you figured out what you're going to do? Did they give you some warning? I've just about lost my interest in such games so I'm now revisiting lost interests.
  18. Well, my relative's moving away, so I've gotta get a new place to live and a new job to support me, meaning I probably won't have much time to play anymore.
  19. How have things been Gil?
  20. Yeah, it's gotten a bit busier. No need to apologize. Hope you're having fun where you are.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 40 of 53
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