Conversation Between Ferria and BIG OLAF

41 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yes, your cheeriness definitely rubs off a bit. I feel a bit better.
  2. D'aw!! X) Well, don't feel down really. Though I don't know the details entirely but I sure hope I managed to ease that bit of sadness :< People as nice as you shouldn't feel sad! Positive thought! *clings*
  3. Ack! *blush*

    Thank you. I've been feeling kind of down lately. I appreciate the affection, ma'am.
  4. Mewr! Cuz you deserver them huggles!! :< Cheer up Olaf!! T^T ... *clings* <3
  5. I...uh...thank you, I think. I'm not sure what the hug is for, but it makes me feel better, so..

  6. *hugs* <33
  7. Same to you, ma'am.
  8. YES!! XD I hope to see you lots in game soon! *_*
  9. Well, glad I'm not the only one that feels that way.
  10. I know the feeling LOL!! But I try to stay calm and cool, though I'm like going haywire inside out haha!
  11. Maybe, maybe not. I'm usually just kind of hiding in the back during big meetings, hehe.
  12. True, true.. though if you're meeting people in like a huge group then gosh! That'll be slightly more relaxing lol! I think? O_O
  13. Same here. I've got anxiety problems in the physical world (and sometimes in the virtual world, too), so it makes it hard to make friends.
  14. Ehehe.. yeah well, I love to socialize etc but problem with me is, I am more shy in person meeting people I know online compared to when I meet them on the spot personally as strangers xD;;
  15. Well, don't be shy if you ever want to just come on my page here and ramble.

    Seems kind of silly to say that to you, as you seem like you're the polar opposite of "shy."
  16. Hi hi!! You're very welcome! ^-^ I look forward to conversing with you too! <33
  17. Thank you for the friend request. I look forward to conversing with you more.
  18. OMGOSH! Most definitely! I like keeping people happy so glad you think that way XD .. And hey! Added you as a buddy since we will be seeing each other a lot hehe!
  19. Thank you, same to you. You seem like a lot of fun!
  20. Hi hi!! I need to get used to the whole replying on profile thing hehe.. *inserts facebook technique into mind* ..

    Anyhow! I am looking forward to playing and meeting you in OB! ^-^ Nice to meet you btw! Hehe!
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