Conversation Between Ash1ey and Forever Zero

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  1. Oh ... I was in a car crash that destroyed my lower spine a few years ago, I can still walk and stuff.. just hurts...BUT the old mattress is probably making it even worse

    Yeah, I love the nepnep games, they are one of my biggest guilty pleasures. Who's your favorite character so far? I like nepnep cause shes kinda derpy like I have become these days xD but I also like Noire a lot too :3
  2. Yeah, damn mattresses can do that. You should upgrade to a FUUUUUUTONNN! But seriously tho, you are too young to have back problems like that at your age. That really sucks.

    Nepnep is a pretty good game so far. I wasn't sure if I'd like it because of all the cutesy stuff but it actually makes me laugh quite a bit. I like the puns and humor in it. I love me some JRPGs!
  3. Well I got my results back from my doctor today, and every thing is negative, so thats good. We thought I may have had anemia or something else. My mom thinks it might be my mattress (its OLD) is irritating my spine issues worse then they already are. I do wake up feeling like shit eveyr morning, so it oculd verywell be the case...

    I didn't know you play keyboard :O thats jawesome! Play me a record x3
    I've been playing nepnep on vita too. I'm a huge nepnep fan :3
  4. Ouch, that's not good. >_< Is it your back problems? I hope you will be ok.

    I haven't been doing much lately just playing keyboard and started Hyperdimension Neptunia on Vita.
  5. I'm doing good... just having some physical health problems that me & my doctor are currently figuring out.

    What'chu been up to lately?
  6. Thanks, Ashley! I'm doing well. How about you?
  7. aww man fuck me... i missed your birthday! Happy very belated birthday Cara >____> i sorriiiee..!

    I hope you're doing well :3
  8. hehe :3

    unfortunately yes i am, but i really shouldn't be. a bunch of differnet physical issues with my back, and left ankle have sprung up and are becoming much more of an issue >> so i should probably find a new job soon lol
  9. Call of Duty?! NUUUUU! FFXIV is going pretty good. I play it for a while then take a break for a few months lol.

    Are you still working at the grocery store?
  10. I'm getting sick of how much I've been working lately xD its really taking a toll on my body, so hopefully I can find something more laxed soon.

    Hows the ff14 goin'? and ps4 games, obviously, the perfect choice for you is call of duty :333333333333333333333333333333333333333
  11. I'm doing good. Been working as well and playing a lot of FFXIV lately. I'm still waiting on some good PS4 games that interests me. XD Come on, JAPAN!
  12. not much just been working... and some games. been playing FFX-2 on my vita while laying in bed, and also playing project diva F on ps3. hbu? hows everything and whts up
  13. CAT GIRL!!! =^-^= What's up, Ashley?
  14. MEOW *()_+\ wuddupppppppp
  15. Oh, cool. I didn't know Saturn had gundam games. I assume JP only tho lol. I really liked the Japanese SNES Gundam fighting game.

    I saw that steam sale. Can't believe how cheap some of those games are.
  16. Not much new with my either other then i went swimming at a friends house in a one piece girls swimsuit :O it was nice xD

    I've been playing some Gundam games for sega saturn lately, therse some cool 2d side scrolling ones for the system. And I bought a stupid amount of PC games in the steam summer sale cause DEM PRICES MAN
  17. Hi, Ashley. I'm doing good. Glad PSO world finally came back up. Not much new with me. I have been playing a lot of Minecraft lately and got kind of addicted to it. I never paid much attention to this game until just now. I also have been slowly working my way through Xenoblade. Hopefully I actually beat it this time.

    How about you? What have you been up to?
  18. meow :3 how are you and all that junk, what'chu doing and what not
  19. Yeah, I do have an account with Steam. I deleted it a while back tho. I might download it again if something interesting shows up on it.
  20. yeah I kinda just said eff it cause I've been stressed lately, so I bought it for my self as a gift, lol. I got it in the mail, I'll play it soon, but right now I'm taking a break from RPGs, cause I feel like I just wanna shoot shit for a little while :P

    Do you have steam?
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