Conversation Between Ruru and biggabertha

106 Visitor Messages

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  1. *pokes*
  2. Ho ho ho....

    I mean:

    Po... Po... Po...

    Man.. so tempting to write that three or four letter word... that only has two different letters in here...

    Ah well... I need to poop anyway...
  3. *prodprodprodprodprodprodprod*


    Hmmm... what else can I do here that starts with the letter "P..."

  4. Ahahahahahaha!!!

    Yeah, I do nothing but pester this poor user...
  5. omg you so did not just say "poop" on my visitor page lol.
  6. Bah... sod it... I need to go for a poop....

    Damnit.. I'm hungry too...

    ...but I REALLY need a poop..!!
  7. I wonder how many messages I can get here before you even realise what's going on...
  8. What other things can I write in here that's spamworthy...
  9. Bah... you have to wait thirty seconds between each post...
  10. It's so fun spamming the hell out of this thing
  11. Hmm... I wonder if I should go for a poop...
  12. omg

    dun luk at meeeeeeeeeeeeee
  13. no i just stare at them till they explode.
  14. *snoopsnoopsnoop*

    "Watch'a doin'?!"


    Man... I feel like a bluebottle or a common housefly...

    I sure hope you don't swat bothersome flies too hard....
  15. So.. sleepy...

    so... hungry....


    I want someone to bite too...!!

    But I don't want to be bitten back.... ._.
  16. i have nothing against vegetarians i just dont like when people think "well i'm doing it so EVERYONE should be doing it" i dont need someone preaching to me about anything lol.

    and i only like biting a certain someone who bites me way more often omg mae's a cannibal.
  17. You likebiting things too - oh wait... was that you or..?


    Not all vegetarians are bad - but food is food and sorry if something was killed for me to eat it - but it's already dead. Just because a few people turning vegetarian doesn't mean that the world is going to stop making meat foods.

    Fair enough if you don't like it but don't go vegetarian JUST because it's "cool" to do so...


  18. lolvegetarians. my second sister decided she wanted to be one. and she tries to preach to me saying "if we were intended to eat meat our teeth would be sharp"

    um... sis... you have fangs you know stupid D: and mollers arent round or flat they have jagged edges. D: my sister is stupid. not to mention i have that tooth thing i told you about a while back. so her arguement is useless.
  19. Awww....

    There's not many things worse than the cook not eating their own cooked meals....

    Like those vegetarians that cook/handle meat because it makes money but will they eat it..? No! Because they can't stand that an animal is killed just so they can eat.... ¬.¬
  20. well its mae's idea so blame her lol. i would just be the one cooking it since she wont even eat her own cooking >.>;

    *prays she doesnt read this somehow*
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 60 of 106
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