Conversation Between Pwincess and Volcompat321

74 Visitor Messages

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  1. The demo for psu? i have a 360, and i could play the demo
  2. >_< Are you playing the demo? at all..
  3. hi there
  4. psst back at ya
  5. <_< Psst..
  6. have a nice sleep!
  7. Mmmkay. Later gator.
  8. oh, well why you still up?! go get some sleep, ill talk to ya tomorrow! that is if you want to!
  9. *shrugs* I suppose. I need to get some beauty sleep anyway - I have to be up in 3 hours!
  10. haha well, aim is sooo much better than psow, dont you think? well, i think so anyway. its instant messaging after all.
  11. no.. it is your obsession with AIM!!! EEK!
  12. aww, didnt think i was! its the pso-w that is!
  13. Stop harassing me!!! T_T Meanie-head. ^_^
  14. and i've filled yours! see, its telling you to download aim lol
  15. As of now I have filled your entire visitor messages! @_@
  16. well of course we are innocent! we should blame parents! i do mine, since my teachers in like kindergarten used to tell me i spelled my OWN name wrong lol
  17. I'm Ashlie, no "y".. so were both a little off.... Must blame parents - we're innocent!
  18. haha makes sense. and im no detective! just pso-worlder! i think lol. but yea, my name is patrik, no i said, weird, but hey, its my name!
  19. "About me" section.. I am assuming it's the same area you figured out my name.. mr. detective
  20. almost! its patrik! no C, for some reason...not sure why lol. but how did you guess that? i didnt think i had it on my page?!
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 60 of 74
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