Conversation Between Ash1ey and Forever Zero

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  1. Omg, I've always wanted to play Albert Odyssey. The US version has been up in price for a long time so I never got it. Let me know what you think when you get it.

    I heard that Tomb Raider game is pretty good. I haven't played a Tomb Raider since the PS1 days lol. I wonder how much they have changed that game this gen.
  2. yeaah FFx's ending is beautiful... <3 and muramasa is an amazing ass game. Love love love love it, I need to get its DLC's at some point lol

    I haven't heard of that game but if its free, why not try it then x3 I'm thinking of starting the new tomb raider game soon... got it last year on black friday and never played :P I also got albert odyssey in the mail for saturn!
  3. Yeah, I remember switching items was a pain in that game. >_<

    I just finished FFX last night. The ending still gets me too. I just started Muramasa(sp?) Rebirth on Vita today. I had the game since launch and barely opened it. What the hell was I waiting for?! This game is awesome. XD It kind of reminds me of Legend of Kage on NES.

    I also downloaded some free game on Vita from PSN because it had a funny name. It's called No Heroes allowed: No Puzzles Either! It's actually pretty fun but it's one of those micro transaction games. D:
  4. I have an American Saturn with Action replay 4M + that lets you boot most imports I just finished shining wisdom today, I thought it was pretty good. The ending was actaully really cute! I liked the game a lot despite some design descisions that really irked me lol, mainly the constant changing of items... lol they ahve 6 buttons... why did they only use three xD
  5. Pretty good so far. Shinning Wisdom is a great game. I have it for Saturn. I never did beat it tho. I got stuck on one of the dungeons and didn't have the internet back then to figure out how to beat it. Do you have a Japanese Saturn or are you using an emulator?
  6. I've been playing Shining Wisdom for the saturn, a pretty decent zelda-esque game for saturn. got the JP version for like 4 or 5 dollars lol. Hows FFX (and life) treating you?
  7. I've been playing a lot of FFX HD lately. How about you?
  8. what'chu doooin' these days girl?
  9. XD Yeah, it was a pretty sad ending. That song really gets to me. I even think that Aeris scene in FF7 is still powerful. Every time I get to it.
  11. Nice, I played the beta for it on ps3 last year or whenever it happened, I thought it was actaully pretty fun. As for the ps4... I'm just waiting for FF15 and Kingdom Hearts 3 :3

    As for me I have been playing FFX HD a lot on my vita. Been grinding throughu the sphere grid lots, and probably try to fight the dark aeons soon :3 Really been enjoying my replay of thaat game
  12. I'v been playing a lot of FF XIV since the early access on PS4. The game looks beautiful on PS4. Like, way better than my PC version lol.I am glad I now have a reason to play the PS4. XD There's still no games that interest me much on that system >_< I know there will be much more in the future tho.

    What have you been up to?
  13. mhmm its one of the best in gaming :3 I think about that when I hear it too and a roket ship blasting off at the begining of Hi, Guys!

    how you been lately? xD any fun with gaming/
  14. THUMP THUMP THUMP AT 2:30 IN THE MORNING! XD I think of that every time I listen to that song lol. Such a great soundtrack.
  16. lol, I forgot about that shoopuff guy. XD I love his accent. I am really liking this remade music they did in FFX. I been listening to it on youtube. I kind of want to buy this ost.
  17. thank you :3 I know my life would be superdifferent... I would not have all the amazing friends I have now, nor would i have tiffy... and i probably wouldnt have made all the progress i have made now :3 hehe... btw i just wanted to tell you that you are a soon of a shoopuff :3
  18. Happy Birthday, Ashley!!

    Yeah I get all nostalgic like that too. FFX will always be a special FF game to me because of the memories. Sometimes I wonder if my life would be different if I had never bought PSO.
  19. i was laying in bed last night listening to wandering flame & some dya the dream will end from FFX and reflecting a lot on things :3 I can't believe its been 13 years since that game, and since we met... and since dc pso. it was kind of like a weird feeling. thinking about how far I have come with myslef, and am in a place where I never thought I would be x3 I am a woman <3
  20. the gargoyles in this game are REDICULOUS lol. I had to use players for that fight too.... they are so strong and they make you fgiht 3 at a time jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez
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