Conversation Between NDW and Ryno

92 Visitor Messages

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  1. Happy birthday, Ryno! I hope you have a great birthday party today!
  2. It's not like I meant to have my post count at that number on purpose. @_@

    I think I'm done with online RPGs. I've been happier with my FPS games. RIP PSU and PSO:BB careers...
  3. oh i jsut notice your post

    This. It took me 2.5 years to realize that. -_-

    that is why i mostly play JP servers becuase it's free.
    and you dont have to pay compared to 360 servers which you do..
  4. oh yeah!! now you are under GODS command!
    John 3:16
    "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

    i jsut wanted to put that there after having the 66* post for a long time.
  5. There, no more 666 post count!

  6. LOL! are you every going to make a 667 post. i know you are.

  8. Congrats on your 666 post! haha!
  9. I'm not too sure when/if SoA is going to be making the/a next console Phantasy Star game. I hope it's better than PSU, or at least make up for what PSU lacked/failed.
  10. why do i see. hardly any one on PSO-world. now. like it was before when PSU came out. there really needs to be a new phantasy star series out. so PSO-world can be more active. i
  11. The Xbox 360 version will probably last a little while longer. But, in my opinion, I think the only version that's worth to play on is JP PC.

    You've spent a lot of time into PSU. It's up to you if you want to continue playing it or not.
  12. I havent played PSU in 3 weeks.
    after seeing the PS2 and PC servers going down. makes me think...
  13. Sadly, no. I'm completely done with PSU. But, I hope the best for all of my PSU friends.
  14. I bet you want to come back to PSU now that MAG+ is friday right?
  15. Merry Christmas NNeoNateDog
  16. I told you that I didn't want to be called that "NNEO" part again.

    But, thank you so much for the birthday message.
  17. WHOA!

    Happy Birthday!

    Neo Nate Dogg!!


    by the way i havent been really playing PSU. there hasnt been that much. except GBR. they need like an event event! like MAG+. lol then i'll really play. :P
  18. My legal name is Nathan. You may call me Nathan and/or Nate.
  19. since you call me by my real name what is your real name? lol
  20. Your welcome, I bet you had a blast!

    P.S. Don't remind me of my 'NNEO Nate Dogg' identity I once had anymore. That is long gone and I despise that name now, lol. I'm 100% content with my 'YTown Nate Dogg' identity since I decided it's something I am comfortable being called no matter what. All of my past identities (Gamedude222, MCNate1221, and NNEO Nate Dogg) remind me of such humiliation from past experiences that I cannot stand to deal with.
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