Conversation Between Shambertin and blace

75 Visitor Messages

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  1. I think i might join JP PSO2 can it play on a mac?
  2. oo sounds like a plan!!! i don't know much on builds yet haha but that sounds like i would love it AOE for the win. i did love megiverse in portable.
  3. You did say FI/FO, that works out very well if you stay with fire, ice or lightning. Mostly fire and lightning.

    I personally go with FI/TE, mostly due to how useful Megiverse is this time around. You cast it and it opens a wide area, and if you hit anything within the circle you steal about 20% of the enemies health per hit.

    Useful when paired with double sabers and their multi hitting PAs.
  4. I like the idea of sub long as i can use a doublesaber and be good with techs im ok hahha
  5. Male Casts, like in PSO, have the strongest physical attack, or in PSU, the second strongest physically next to Beasts.

    Just change classes to find what suits you best and stick with it for a while. Subclassing in this game at least helps with being no longer limited to just a class.
  6. That sounds good. might have a cast alt then.
  7. As a male, human or newman, you can wear anything article of clothing released for males. If you play cast, you're limited to all class clothing and parts.

    I have a caseal, who I have primarily in parts, but can dress her up in clothing and change her hair around a bit to look like a human with glowing eyes.
  8. Yeah i hear female newman is the way to go if i actually want to do massive damage O_O XD i would rather play as a male character but i might try the male newman the default outfit looks good.
  9. Well, it could work if you made your mag dedicated to techs, then sure. Casts in general though are shafted when it comes to techs.
  10. Yes i so want to try FOcast. been looking at the hybrid FI/FO might do that.
  11. Nah, it's fine. When it eventually releases in the west though, I'll see you on there.
  12. Happy birthday [even tho its a bit late] thanks again for the file conversion. i hope to return the favour one day maybe i'll see ya in western release PSO2 if it happens haha
  13. i had no idea but it clicked i had to compress all of the fodler otherwise it would be of no use to anyone xD
  14. SAVEDATA.BIN and PARAM.SFO are the main files that carry the actual data. Compressing the folder helps, as Mediafire is now a nest of spam and long load times.
  15. Hey Blace when i upload my save file to mediafire is it just the savedata.bin part thats needed or all of it? . never mind i compressed the whole thing and uploaded it haha now just need ot wait for a reply...zzzxD
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