Conversation Between Gunslinger-08 and hewitt

155 Visitor Messages

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  1. Most certainly.
  2. Kay. Up for some HSM again? >: D
  3. Your visitor message board needs some spam. Make sure you get on tomorrow night. I think I'm working the front desk again, lol.
  4. Check the PSU inspirations thread, I mentioned you.
  5. Me too.. ; ; But I doubt it will be fixed before MAG ends. I just dont have that kinda luck. D:

    Hope it gets fixed soon. :/
  7. ERROR 65 T______________________T

  8. Thats what im going for. ...Once I figure out how to put it into the signature right D:
  9. ARGH! How on earth do you make a sig?! >:l I uploaded the image but the image isnt in my sig D:<
  10. I got a dead-end "could not be delivered" message. maybe your filter thought it was spam?
  11. Hewitt, you dingbat, empty your email folder. You didn't get the screenies because it was FULL! lol
  12. Hey, while my laptop's away, could you save me an ank bico board if you happen to find two?
  13. OMG you're online!
  14. lol no
  15. HYOOITTTT!!!!!!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 141 to 155 of 155
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