Conversation Between InfinityFox and IsaacUK

4 Visitor Messages

  1. sorry for not awnsering...

    not internet, so i can't accept new Friends on my 3DS.
    i can connect through my computer, but that doesn't let me do anything with my game.
  2. ah e.e that sucks, but i dont get what does your internet have to do with your friendcode not working? lol
  3. i have little to no internet... so..... yeah... i usually have to wait weeks before i can play Mario Kart, let alone anything else online.....
  4. Hello there! (active PSZ player… well more or less w/e) anyways i added ya, hope to see you on soon!
    EDIT Btw your fc doesnt seem to be working e.e
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4