Conversation Between Dj_SkyEpic and CelestialBlade

11 Visitor Messages

  1. I like to give drive-by "what's up"s!z Wazzzaaapz!
  2. Good to see you around again, however fleeting it may be! It's Chels from PSU ;o
  3. Cool, hope to see you on MSN, though I'm almost never on :P

    Glad you liked the video! I definitely remember you, we had a lot of fun in the good ol v1 days and I wish we got to hang out more.
  4. I miss you so much too. I'll add you on msn some day.
    Oh and I saw your video... I can't believe you remembered me after all these times! You're such a sweetheart.
  5. Yooooou need to come back for at least a day, because I miss you and I want to know how your life's going. Or I'ma walk over there and kick your butt.
  6. I'm not going to be playing again though so I'm not really back, sorry!
  7. Aww, thanks :3 Good to see you back!!!
  8. Awesome. Do your best! It also looks like I missed your b-day but I hope you had a wonderful one anyways xD.
  9. Good to hear I'm good, been busy with school mostly. On a short break from classes until the 25th, but at least I should be graduating soon.
  10. I've been well! How about you? I've missed ya' haha
  11. DJ lives! :3 How have you been, it's been bloody forever.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11