Conversation Between Seth Astra and NeonaPulsar

1235 Visitor Messages

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  1. *Points at chat box* Any reason you're not there?
  2. Same here. I like a little Diggy Diggy.

    From a harmless chat while in a map, to a famous song.
  3. I've listened to that a few dozen times myself.
  4. Because i have the song stuck in my head and like it there, I post it to you for no other reason. :P
  5. There are often discrepencies between the presence of TGZ members on PSOW and the presence of said members on the chat.
  6. Huh ?
  7. Not really.
  8. *wakes up from teh knock out*

    As i remember it. No-one was on PSOW when i looked in. I usually figure that this place mirrors the Chat box.
  9. 1. I haven't built anything new till, well, about an hour ago.

    2. Why did you not check in on the chat?
  10. Lol. I ment more srceenshots. By... if you insist. *Summons a mallet and knocks self in forehead to fall out cold*
  11. There's an album of them. Knock yourself out.
  12. "YOU SIR!" *points dramaticly at you. "I DEMAND YOUR FINEST SRCEENSHOTS OF MINECRAFT".
  13. Didn't really notice you were online until I saw you had posted.
  14. I was wondering when i'd get my summons. Good to know i am not as forgoten as i thought.

  15. Get to the chat! It's a party over here!
  16. Your loseing your creativity with your summons there...
  17. Chat?
  18. *Draws a face of your mild irritation, then faces it towards you.*

    lol. Coming
  19. Join me and HU on the chat or face my mild irritation.
  20. Aye.
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 60 of 1235
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