Conversation Between Massaki and Chimeria

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Haha, well, that's just one of the layer's behind Gene's personality. ;P
  2. Definitely not. I was going to say that actually. I usually RP with Vin like 99% of the time so the contrast in character is totally different.
  3. Haha, good to know! It was indeed a good RP last night! With some.. pretty loud side-RP going on. I suppose Chimeria's never been around someone like Gene, huh? ;P
  4. Decent RP last night ^_^ I really like Gene's character.
  5. Haha. Just a small thing. Massaki's just my screen name here. ;P Genevieve is my character's name.

    Yeah, I spent some time off the game to focus on some stuff plus playing FFXIV. I've managed to strike a medium between both FFXIV and PSO2 now and been catching up as much as I can in PSO2 lately. With that in mind, I also thought it was time to update the old profile in the group and come back into RPing shape.

    Looking forward to RP with ya should you show up.
  6. Don't be. Sometimes people really get connected to their characters. I feel that way about Chimeria. I wish I could put that much thought into having as much background as Masaki...I'll get there eventually I guess. I hear you've been on hiatus for a while. Looking forward to RP-ing with her (and the rest if the group) when you come back.
  7. Haha, you're welcome! Thanks! Sometimes I get embarrassed about having put so much time into developing my a background for my character that I wonder what people would think about it, haha. Glad to see some people like it.
  8. Thanks again for the links! Cool character btw! Dark skinned characters with Silver/White hair are ALWAYS awesome by me.
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