Conversation Between Ovada and Cloudstrife xx

51 Visitor Messages

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  1. こんにちは。おげんきですか?
  2. My soul your beats!
  3. I'm hungry :<
    How's Jess?
  4. Hey how you doing man!
  5. Thanks
  6. Really late happy bday!
  7. I was wondering when you'd move to "the dark side", lol. JP PSU is the only way to play PSU
  8. Dropping by just saying hello!
    Btw im now playing on the Japanese servers of psu lol
  9. Hehe
  10. And grant us the divine protection of thy brilliance.
  11. Here's my characters so far

  12. Alright Posting it now!
    I hope it helps 'chuuu, mate!
  13. Ofcoarse lol i notced that you seem to get alot of psu/psp2 traffic too.
  14. I'm thinking of posting one of your videos on my page to get some more viewers on your side. I seem to get some heavy Phantasy Star/Gunner enthusiast traffic. Is that alright?
  15. Umm i dont know how to hook up my HD PVR to a psp i guess i need to do what you do and have my psp modded so i can use remote joy? tho i doubt ill play ps2i demo as psu ,work and other games like blazblue CS, red dead redemption and fable 3
  16. And thanks! ^.^
  17. I've seen them :P
    Just wondering when you'll be recording PSP2:i videos :3
  18. Lol Epic picture! thanks! you should check out some of my new video's on youtube showing off the cool stuff from absolute zero and masterforce coolness!
  19. I, who stand in the full light of the heavens command thee who opens the gates of hell.
    Come forth divine lightning!
    This ends now!

    I mean, happy belated birthday
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 51
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