Conversation Between Rath-Kun and Vintasticvin

16 Visitor Messages

  1. Want me to make a game on hard mode?
  2. Id have to install one on my phone
  3. kk. Do you have any messenger of sorts?
  4. Thats gonna have to wait il I get home from work.
  5. Did you want me to make a game?
  6. Sweeeeeeeed :3
  7. Added you on PSZ, so if you wanna play we can ^-^
  8. I thought it was funny. xD Hope that you have a good day as well.
  9. Sorry bout that >_< I can get a bit over sentimental at times D: Other that yake care.
  10. The hell.. lmao. haha.
  11. Haha sounds delicious and hope you treat your mom well if she's worthy of being honored in a grand way.
  12. We can play starting Monday, kinda busy weekend with Mother's Day tomorrow D;
  13. Im online PSZ if you wana get together and do a few runs
  14. Would you be able to play sometime tomorrow?
  15. Added you to FC list on DS ~_^
  16. Send me a message when you wanna play ;D
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 16 of 16