Conversation Between voxie and StevoLime

5 Visitor Messages

  1. to get psogc pics, u hav to use PSOProxy. here is a link to its site. there is a windows, mac os x, and a linux version. so u can use it no matter what. lol. there should be a tutorial on the site for it. else i can help u with it sometime.
  2. Oh yeah, and what do you use to get your GC pics to PC??????

    Sorry I deleted your visitor posts on my profile - didn't think there'd be a "mark" left behind. Kinda makes your messages look like they weren't wanted there at all!
  3. Dude!

    Are you going to be online when Max G comes back in 1st August? o_o
  4. nah dont worry i found it.
  5. wheeeeeerrreee??!!?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5