Conversation Between Xelor and Wayu

121 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ohh. I see.

    It's like the 4 discs of Final Fantasy VII.

  2. 25 chapters = 10 from Episode 1 + 15 from Episode 2. If someone didn't play pspo2, they're gonna have a lot of story to play through.
  3. 25 chapters? Where?

  4. Yea basically. It also makes it feel even more like an expansion since the original story is there.

    25 Chapters of Phantasy Star goodness. Good God. O_o
  5. It's like PSP Ep. I & II (literally).

  6. At least the Japanese community won't die by the time it's our b-days. Freaking US servers. However, I have been advertising Phantasy Star to my friends and class mates. I definitely have a few more people to stick with now while the general US community is lacking.

    Even though I'll get the JP version of Infinity, I hope that if it gets released in the US, that its massive content that it SHOULD still have will attract more people. I'm not expecting the community to thrive but I expect it to be quite better.
  7. I hope my parents are willing to do so. If not, my own money or birthday, which unfortunately is in APRIL.

  8. That'll never work with my family. >_> I need moneyzzz, though I'm almost sure I'll get some money from Christmas time, but the amount can be random. It ranges from 20-120 US dollars, o. Hopefuly I'll get lucky this Christmas, that way I wouldn't have to wait until my b-day for Infinity which is in May.
  9. Ohey.

    Haven't been on in about a month. Yikes.

    I'm forcing my parents to get me PSPo2i no matter what. Or maybe get my brother to fork over money for it xD. Either way, I'm gonna get it.

  10. Ohai. Obviously haven't been on in awhile.

    Yea Infinity gameplay. Looks pretty much the same but graphics seem better. Also, every new post on makes me want to drool. Infinity is sounding so good..
  11. There's a new gameplay video? Is there one that isn't on Youtube, like 4Share or something?

    PS2 graphics sounds nice. It'll make my PSPgo lag more than ever, though...

    Back in the states I had my brother to drag along on road trips. Now he's overseas. Road trips aren't so fun anymore when you're not in the midst of a constant prank war

  12. It was fast for the US version. I was still having fun and everyone's leaving. The good thing is that I still have my 3 friends around the same level as I am. Yayz.

    I saw a new Infinity gameplay video on youtube and it seems the graphics have been refined even more. It's starting to have ps2 graphics. oo

    Sporadic road trips? I remember when I was younger my parent's would travel across states so much just because of my dad's job, but now his job finally settles in Tennessee. I'm glad my sporadic road trips are over.
  13. You're not the only one. I hate my parents...when they drag me on pointless road trips sporadically. With no internet for a good week -_-;.

    That was fast for the US version. The JP version is still relatively stable, if I may say...

  14. Sorry for not being on in awhile. Personal issues with life.

    But anyways, I see the US PSPo2 servers already dying. I didn't want to believe it but I knew it would happen. I'm planning to get the JP PSPo2i once it comes out, assuming I'll have the money. To add on to that, I'm going to study some Japanese to help ease the experience.

    I still like pspo2 nonetheless, it's pretty fun. I just want more support, events, and a good and active community.
  15. Damn. Oh well. I still get a 10 month start over you xD.

  16. Too bad Infinity doesn't come out this year. You're going to have to wait 5-6 months for the Feb release. And for the US, probably 17. >_>
  17. Forces are gimped in PSPo2. Not going to even become a Force until PSPo2i comes out in 2011.

  18. Nice. Hopefully he'll respond then.

    Leveling a Force just makes it harder. X_X Might need to switch to Vanguard for a bit..
  19. It took me 210 hours to get to lv. 132. Good luck xD.

    I found a guy to convert, but he isn't responding...

  20. You weren't kidding when you said it takes awhile to get to your level.. X_X And I can't seem to find anyone or anything that can convert saves just yet.

    Oh, and I'm on chapter 9 now. Level 48 Badass FOmar, lulz
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