Conversation Between AlexCraig and RAcast Extremist

15 Visitor Messages

  1. We'll see about that.
  2. Ye can't hide forever.
  3. *goes into hiding*
  4. It's for your own good!
  6. My friend... I think you are an addict. We may have to consider taking you to a clinic.
  7. It is not my fault I can not resist the sweet flavor of chocolate.
  8. Tsk tsk.
  9. Chocolate, but I eated it.
  10. I see. Any other flavors?
  11. Pie-flavored. :P
  12. What kind?
  13. I got pie!
  14. Yeah you did. What didja get me?
  15. Oh poo, I forgot your birthday.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15