Conversation Between TheFantasticGarden and Emp

28 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thats cool. Im doing BP atm for more SYs.
  2. The PR runs i did with yuki was epic. Got a few ifty stuff, like a 50% PE, etc.
  3. 1: i know psn is up,but i can't get online in psp2 still. You having the same problem?

    2: i realized i can solo S angelus,but i ran into anastasis 4 times in a row. got 2 dual mistilteinns, 1 ma'daan mistilteinn,and a Holy elsydeon...with 10% fire...
  4. I like me some Lambda Excalibur, man. Nothing beats the awesome noise and the odd reach. Along with the extra target.

    Makes me think of a better Kansho Byakuya
  5. I was referring to solo play(via multiplayer, not story), but that's true, Hyakka and sy have the strength to wipe almost every boss on the floor with 70+ chain, full BD perfected combo
  6. Either way, "chain high, and see big numbers" logic is the best, ain't it? 70 chain is usually enough to kill anything save for bosses.
  7. Obviously. That's why i stated they CAN have a max of 200 pp.

    But 170 is usually enough to wipe the floor.
  8. Dude, not many know this, but my TRUE "main" is a caseal. I beat story and hard mode with her, But i never use her anymore. Why? Because.... well... She got haxored a little while ago. That's why i've only been leveling up Story/Shoujo, because i don't want to play as my true main anymore, there's no reason to play.

    Worst part about it is that i saved. Wopp dee doo, my main is illegit, and i can't delete her until i really need to.

    But caseals are just dandy. The fast pp regen is good, but it's a little sad how they can only have a max of 200 pp at one time. Still, they're Fat, too. And having high acc. means i rarely miss compared to other classes/races.
  9. She's a Caseal.
  10. I was planning to keep it under wraps, but i've been training a new character, she's 58 right now.
  11. That's cool, but incap is just a fix to me-- i dislike it because it's useless on bosses and large enemies(for the most part)
  12. Meh, i can buy kronos now, but i don't feel like it. It's just a stronger girasole. I think i might spam max 1 or 3 for a while. But i still want my chao rod.
  13. I'm god at blocking Ang/ana's karate chops. They're way too predicatable, plus, i've got quick shielding reflexes.
    And lol. is it phantasy star or guardian badges that are required? Cause i have almost enough of each badge to buy 1 of them. And i feel like hunting Shidenji-Hiken, for some odd reason(even though nagesen is my favorite slicer)
  14. I'm missing most of those, too.
    Plus, i need to get the stuff like Krono Keis and Dagger of Serafi from the MAX trade thing. And i also have to get the A,B,C tickets, too.


    I have 4 of each musical ticket, but i'm not willing to solo the entire thing, because i'm a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle afraid to do it without knowing the stuff in it.
  15. HA!!!! .03%!!!!! EAT IT!!!
    lol, not really. Most of the stuff i'm missing are simple rares. And most of the 15☆ rares, too. Still need to find me Excalibre, Sy, and a whole lotta 14☆ stuff. I'm looking forward to reaching 90%, or at least catching up to yuki, with her 97% >.>
  16. Lucky. I just want it for the rare weapon registry/weapon collection rate. It's not like i plan on using it. I'm at 87.09% weapons now. ALMOST DONE!
  17. I've seen two people use it. And machine gunners are rare to find, too(lol). But the people who used it were illegit, so.... yeah.
  18. I got rocket punchers a long time ago when searching for some pandoras. Gotta say, r\ocket punchers are the coolest knuckle lol. And they're fire only weapons, so that 56% one is really good.

    I think i'll search for the missouris, but right now, i want the yasminkovs. But i'm too lazy to get the badges for Yasminkov 9000

    I want massacre bunker as well(i think it's the gatling gun thing with the rotating barrel)
  19. Tbh, i'm doing multi&clients for the titles. I need to do a few more clients for the 100 title, and i think i need to do about 30 more multiplayer opens to get the 100 title. Either way, my all title goal is almost within reach! I have 230 now!
  20. I have no idea, really, just doing missions.
    The motav i found is 21% holy, which i'm going to sell. Either way, when i do missions, i always have to do client missions. I'm doing the illias rod one, and the laurette Lightning beast, mad beast, scarred planet.

    Anyway, i'm gonna go for now. Chat with you some other time, and hopefully do some runs for rykky scepter and Lav. arrow
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