Conversation Between Tetsaru and RAGNAGELPPOD

15 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey, it's been a while, you still around?
  2. Watching that Space Jam movie. Trying to figure out why I thought Lola bunny was so hot back when I was a youth.
  3. How's it goin, Rag?
  4. Ah, sounds cool! I still need to get my driver's license, period... ><

    Have you been on PSN or MSN much lately? I don't see you online that often. I'd like to play some Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 or something with you if you have it. I've also been playing Blue Burst lately on that one... *ahem* private server.
  5. Ahh, I'm hangin' in there. Lately I've been looking into studying for a class B liscense so that I can qualify for driving buses and stuff. I think it covers limozeens ( can't spell ), and Limo's are pro.
  6. Hey, I saw your thread about those two dates, despite it being slightly off, lol. How have you been lately?
  7. Cool, I just added you a while ago. If you ever want me to recommend any good games, just lemme know. :3
  8. Mine psn name is "Ragology". I couldn't decide on whether to use Ragnagelppod or Dopplegangar and so I had to go with something else. Also the "olo" in the middle of the word sorta looks like breasts, and that pleases me.
  9. Wow, you have a PS3 now?? Tell me your PSN ID so I can add you! Mine's "Tetsaru" just like it always has been. And get on MSN/AIM every once in a while so I can talk to you easier, lol! =P

    I'm also planning on getting FF14, but I'm probably gonna wait for the PS3 release. I need to get a new PC, but I can't afford it right now - probably going to get a new TV soon since mine has been on the fritz lately. =x
  10. Got me a ps3, and am gonna buy myself a new pc soon so that I can play ff14, as well as the upcoming PSO-2 game.
  11. Hey, seems like you were online a few days ago. Hadn't heard from you lately... just wondering what you were up to these days.
  12. You! Get on AIM or MSN! :<
  13. Having an error here. I'm reading up on it to see what I can do.
  14. Meh I'm down to 1 gold now. At least I bought robopitch before losing streak began. I got half a mind to bet 50 silver on two ranges and 3 silver on zero, just to get back in the game...
  15. I'm gonna hunt that milla today. I'll let you know If I find any, since you use the single handgun a bit more than I do. * huggles X bow*
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15