Conversation Between BruteFOrce and Vanzazikon

59 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey Vanny <3 Thanks for the Happy Birthday ;o
  2. D: I missed your birthday.

    Sorry mate. I blame Freeze, he threaten to Freeze and Delete me so I hid in my box for a week.
  3. >:U I Dinnot! U Noez itt
  5. I Dinnot!
  6. LOL You got scared
  7. Oh, wow.
  8. Who are you?
  9. Hai >:U
  10. I'z a mean bean >.> (>:U)
  11. Who u?
  12. Y U No talk to meh N'y mo? >:U

    I pew cuz I want tuh ;D
  14. y u pewing meh. >:U
  15. xD Pew Pew
  16. Maybe o.o
  17. You can just delete that xD - Oh wait I just did ;D
  18. One more post and you'll kick the only thing that's makin mah page look bad right out.
  19. >:O~!
  20. wackos dun scare meh
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 59
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