Conversation Between Pwincess and Freeze

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Hahaha thanks! It's been a good one so far.. can only get better too! xD
  2. Happy Birthday. Hope you have a good one.
  3. Don't worry about it, completely understandable. I'll be sure to give you a shout again.
  4. errr.. Sorry about yesterday. I was so busy, I wish we could have hanged out! Thanks for messaging me when you were on, make sure to do it next time you are on also, i'll make time for you! ^_^ HEIDI lol.. it was in caps, I forgot >_< Nuyck.
  5. No problem, just be sure to drop by now and again, we miss you. We could use all the activity we can get over on Alex's private forums too.
  6. Freeze, Thanks for messaging me. I know i've been busy, but I am glad to hear that it's business in the Hunrets guild. ^_^ Suuuuper!
  7. Greetings, haven't heard from you in a while. You should pop by the Hunters Guild a little more often, it's become quite active now.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7