Conversation Between System-Id and Ryno

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Deng lv 43!! I'm only 32. Lol
  2. Niceee good to hear well my character name is Omnigear LV 43 Cast if you wanna search and add me i'm usually on Block 20
  3. yes i still play im on right now. lol
  4. Hey!!! I came back to PSO 2. I'm on Ship 02 now :P Still play?
  5. what level are you currently? im like level 18...................
  6. Rynooooo :3 i made a character on Ship 02! acc. name System-Id and character named Id :P
  7. Tis' i did not know since Alpha me and my guild/clan have been on Ship 10 i was un-aware of this. :3
  8. most of the PSO-worlders are on ship 2!

    that's where you should be!

    there is a poll that Ship 2 has the most votes.
  9. Glad to hear you're on PSO-2 What ship you play on? i'm on 10 you'll see me around white,red,blue cast named Omnigear
  10. i've been great! guess because of PSO2 I believe. that's what Chaoskila came to log back on for too! haha!
  11. Why i HAS! lol yeah i've returned to the PS scene its only right now that PSO2 is live. How ya been?
  12. oh dang! did some one just log in for the longest time!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12