Conversation Between Pwincess and Ecchi

15 Visitor Messages

  1. The only thing iam ready for is ready for work DDDD:<
  2. <____< are you ready yet?
  3. ... and to you, a good night. Sleep tight... Don't let the boombas bite!!! o.0
  4. Well for me its called bed....One i lose to everynite.
  5. ok.. the battle has already begun! umm.. where to start? @_________@'
  6. Lmao hey not a bad idea =D
  7. awe.... bummer. Well we can just cause mayhem here @ PSOW! XD Muhahahahaha!
  8. Ahhh iam PC tho so its irrelevant lol. To bad we coulda been causing mayhem!!!
  9. ...... Pwincess 0.0 ..... just like my gamertag. >_< sorry to confuse!
  10. is that ur char's names >.>?
  11. Pwincess.. level 59 (Origional, right?) and yours?
  12. Your ingame char's are whom jus wonderin
  13. Yes... new to the site here Just trying to meet fellow PSUers.. like myself I hope you didn't mind.
  14. heya ^_- Looks like your rather new around here
  15. Hewwo
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15