Conversation Between Aqualic-EX and Azure_wave

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Ah I noticed you were taking in weapon contributions again, and I noticed or overlooked that you don't have this one boomerang type weapon can be equipped by all. As descriptions go, it's just a big star kinda like the warp star that Kirby rides except the points are pointier. The color is pretty much the same as the warp star also. It has 6 stars, not sure about the max grindage, minimum lvl is 40. It's photon art is that the player crouches down, throws the star (the star then flashes and lingers in one spot in front of the user), then the user does a kinda tumble to the right and the star comes back into the users hand. x3 I hope that description was decent enough haha. it has an element, just not sure which one. I DO have the japanese name of it but it'll take a while for me to find the characters on the character map of my laptop so I'll come back to you on that after i eat breakfast ^_^
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