Conversation Between Wynn<3 and Gemel

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Well, gonna get some sleep it's going on 7 am here, Gnite.
  2. Cool, I'll make sure to ask you lots of questions while you're afk. xP
    Maybe I'll try getting back on xat once in awhile. I always feel weird being the new guy.
  3. I'm on xat a lot but afk a lot of the time
  4. Sometimes yeah but more recently I've been too busy with life to play. x_X I'm friends with the MSN people. Were you going to mention the xat group?
  5. looking for people to play with
  6. Yup, I sure do. Why do you ask?
  7. Do you play Infinity by any chance?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7