Conversation Between Darkus and DoctorShanks

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks. I'll get that added once I'm back online.
  2. I posted this on the group but maybe you didn't see it since there's many other posts above it... plus you got the whole internet thing going on....
    Character update
    Darkus: HUcast Lv.33 Normal & Hard Mode
  3. thanks for adding me Doc! I hope we can have some runs together sometime
  4. I sent you an invite. Be sure to introduce yourself once you arrive. Also, we have a nice little chat room that can be used to set up games or to just chit chat for a while without having to fiddle with the PSO-World group page.
  5. PSO-World Account: Darkus
    DS Username: [DARKUS]
    Friend Code: 5114 9341 1026
    Difficulty: Normal (for now)
    Time Zone: GMT +2

    Character 1: Darkus HUnewn
    Character 2:
    Character 3:
  6. Your name certainly rings a bell. Sure, I'll re invite you, but I first need you to fill out our members profile which can be found on either the group page itself or the recruitment thread. Most people don't see it because they all come to me when they want invites xD.
  7. Doctor how you doing? it's been ages and you probably don't remember me anymore XD I was part of the first Zero revival group, but I had to leave since my wifi was down for quite a while. can you please add me to the new revival group? cheers
  8. A Mehrennenka? Of all things?

    I picked up a Lv3 one with low-end parameters @Cyclone Run that you can have for free. I'll tag Celeb on it for you in advance. Happy Holidays =)
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8