Conversation Between KINGEMP and relentless

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Same as YohmeiSuras.
  2. u anyting of the Dark Wing or of the Whitill Wing
  3. ooo ok kool
    but love love coled geass
  4. Yep.
    Though I noticed you joined my group so I guess we can just still chill out together.
  5. ooo so ar u on the pc
  6. Sorry, however I'm not on the Xbox 360.
    Meaning I'm not part of the Elemental Knights or whatever.
  7. u anyting of the Dark Wing or of the Whitill Wing
  8. hay wass up i jast satred a group and i wated to know if u what to jone
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8