Conversation Between Shiro_Ryuu and AlexCraig

15 Visitor Messages

  1. That's why I have the GC version XD
    I still want the Wii version (and the limited edition Collector's Guide :3), but I can hold off a while longer.
  2. Yeah, when they inverted it, I was like ._.
  3. Heh, hell yeah! (screams the righty <.<)
    That was one thing that irked me about Twilight Princess for the Wii. The inverted everything.
  4. Oh yeah, I also got the GC version of SC2. Link was totally awesome. Lefties ftw
  5. Heh, my brother told me it was. I haven't seen it yet, but it seems to be addicting. Only SC game I have is 2 for GC (Uber-Zelda-geek), since my brother sold our SC3 to our friends. Now I'll have to get a new one of that. Legends maybe. Won't be able to get 4 yet since we lack both a 360 and PS3.
  6. I see. Sucks about ur old PC, and I saw those little kittens in the RL pic thread. But yeah, right now Soul Calibur IV is taking up most of my time in terms of gaming. It's just so awesome.
  7. Very cool! Lucky! I so want to go to Japan. But first, Arizona, to my girlfriend. Oddly enough, she is Japanese. XD

    I've been better, but have been far worse. Just got a new computer, since my old one fried during a storm. Been taking care of 5 little black kittens. They're a handful. Aaaannnd.... been playing a few video games here and there.
  8. I'm doing pretty good if I do say so myself. Got a tropical storm coming, but I'm hoping it's nothing too serious. Anyway, 13 days left before I go to Japan. I'm gonna start packing tomorrow.

    How about you? How's life been treating you?
  9. Hey! How've you been? ^_^
  10. Thanks dude
  11. Happy b-day! You are now 1.5 years older than me!
  12. Sweet, I hope you get it. I've always wanted to go to Japan. Partly because I want to become an animator/manga artist. Partly because I think it is cool there.
  13. Ah, that's cool. I'm just here, playing PSU, and going insane as I wait for the acceptance letter for the study abroad thingy to Japan.
  14. Nothing much. Just watching my friend play Link's Crossbow Training and waiting for my girlfriend to sign back on.
  15. Hey, what's up dude?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15