Conversation Between Nick O'Demus and WuBing

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you Nick!!

    It is still in my inventory. I can give you when we meet online.

    No, thank you.
  2. Sure, you can have the Cannon Bleu back. I'm not using it right now, but I do want to keep one available for cataloging, so if you've got another with lesser stats, I could swap this one for it.

    Two other things: Did you still have that Zero Saber, or did it find a home with someone else yet? Also, did you still want that Missouri RX4 I had? I got another, blank stat one from Chaosmaster that I can keep for cataloging, so you can have this one. It's stats were 0/0/20/0/39, no element, Mine Sneak.
  3. Hey Nick I finally found my Zero Saber.. 0/0/65/0/0/LV2 Heart Element/Force Ride.
    Tell me if interested in it.
  4. Hey dude! Please notify me if if you want to get those free items from me!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4