Conversation Between Lacen and stormtrooperx

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Sorry for the late reply I haven't been on PSOW lately. Busy with work and stuff. Just hooked up my PS3. =P I'm from Hilo Hawaii on the Big Island. But I was living in Waikele a few years back. =] Anyway, nice to meet you. Take care and see you later. You're on 360 server right? Also, my girlfriend was actually born in Kailua but lives on this Island now. She plays on the PC/PS2 server from time to time. Helping her get internet atm. Well, see ya.
  2. what part in hawaii I'm in Kailua
  3. I'm from Hawaii actually. I play on the PC/PS2 server with Arika and the others. I think the other 3 guys are from that server too if I'm not mistaken. Ugh I'm losing at the moment. Wish I could've chosen my own background story and taken my own pics/wore my own style of clothes... -.-' Anyway nice meeting you and take care. Hope to see ya on PSU sometime. =] Let me know if you need any help, I'll do what I can.

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