Conversation Between LaMBoLOgy and NuNu

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Lamb!! whats up long time no talk!!

    lol i thought id jump on the lamb band wagon hehehe.
    umm but Ill just talk to you later "cupcake" oh and i love you TOO!! hahaha
  2. HEEEEYYY!!!!!! thats MY JOKE!!!! IS MINE!!! U COPY CAT!!!!
  3. Hi LoVe

    sOO..wHeN yA GoNNa PiCk mE uP!?! lol jk miSS yA
  4. BLaM BLaMMers BLaMie BLaMoo!! L0L
  5. miss yoooooou!!!
  6. hi just bored..waitin till i can talk to u later
  7. umm hi babe..miss u lots.. hate when u afk :P
  8. hey you :P
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8