Conversation Between DestinyWings and LotusFX

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Many things changed. Gu got a big nerf and Bo's too op. I could say there's lots of things to do. Also TA nerfed but there are other ways to make money. Idk what else lol
  2. Mashirooo how is it like in the game now?
  3. Think I probably won't get one so I might just find a good VPN.
  4. By the way Mashirooo when you get to SEA paid VPNs are the way to go.
  5. Why not any wwww
  6. We will be back!
  7. ;-; Come back soon.
  8. : D~~~
  9. Misakaaaa (?) o.O
  10. Mashirooo
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10