Conversation Between Koji1m1 and Arryn

117 Visitor Messages

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  1. low budget is bad. what happene? (pm me to that one)
    im currently working on £30 a week bc of uni so have no idea how im going to
    get ppl stuff for christmas yet
  2. i guese you could say were on low budget.
  3. wha no way how come?
  4. oh not much i higly doubt that we'll celebrate X-mas this year.
  5. hopefully go bak home on my bike without much trouble.
    get bak on psu for the hols
    panto 23rd
    out sumwhere with peeps 26th
    27th family gathering XD
    so not to much
    hows about u?
  6. whats your plans for christmas?
  7. i will catch up eventually but first is the christmas mayhem XD
  8. Its Alright.
  9. im so behind on bdays its ridiculus i keep forgetting simple things since i started uni
    *adds to list*
  10. about 2 days ago.
  11. wha when @.@? i need to check here more often
    Happy Late Birthday
  12. Hey ryn, just so ya know my b-day just passed.
  13. hey ryn
  14. it getting intrestin
  15. i know, i saw the fanfic
  16. yeh i think it is but i think it comes from that scene in the fic
  17. and about the story, you metion it sounded more like a joke in tht picture if you asked me.
  18. i guese.
  19. sounds similar to what ive said about the guy clothes XD
  20. it was a guy named khristoffer.
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 60 of 117
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