Conversation Between recursive and Zepia

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Well alrighty, I guess you were afk, it wasn't anything too serious though. Don't worry about it =]
  2. ...I have no idea what you're referring to, but I'll check the chat logs - but yes, I'd agree with that statement.
  3. I'm sorry if I caused a ruckus today, it's just that I hate it when someone spouts outright lies. I don't call myself an Artist in the classical arts but I do consider myself an Artist nonetheless. It's been clear since the dawn of Art that woman have been the primary object for art. Even in recent times like Tomb Raider, Wonder Woman, Pokemon, and many other shows we grew up with that has been the case. Anyway I apologize if I caused a ruckus ._.
  4. Hey, could you check the chat logs from today? Filmic got a tad out of line =/
    I feel like the police of the group lol but everyone was quite aggravated including myself. I don't think it's good to just allow someone to openly troll the entire group chat like that.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4