Conversation Between Blue_Beast and kirtblue

8 Visitor Messages

  1. hope you see this we is gunna start in like 20 mins from this post and play till who knows when i have another guy im playing with as well who just got to super the other day so i think this will work out well
  2. come to think of it post a time you'll be on pszero on my thing ill check every hour on the hour... my char sucks though... only level 62 but HEY i can heal like a crate of Trimates lol
  3. yeah i sit here and play PSU to right now... broken leg and no friends in the new city so... YEAH catch you later.
  4. hey dude seen you idol today tried to get you to join the party but no luck
  5. funny enough thats a really old pic if you want to see a more up to date pic look me up on facebook under kirtus blue
  6. Dude if thats you in the pic man thats wicked!! i would get my whole head tattooed like a dang old helmet man lol awesome
  7. i can do that
    im looking for radam or sonichi
  8. what do you want on that hocho
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8