Conversation Between Ace1jeM and Falke

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Aaaaaace.

    Nobody is on PSU. :'(
  2. Yeah, I remember trying to find the jeM website a little while back and having trouble. I've seen the odd person online though. It's sad it died; I suspect the cliques of the older members didn't help. I didn't get to play with people that often because they were pretty exclusive. It was annoying, lol.

    Hope you're keeping well irl!
  3. Hey, long time no see XD

    Things are okay I guess, just wish PSU wasn't in another one of its dry spells.

    jeM is pretty dead (things really fell apart after all the crap the PC/PS2 servers had to deal with [lots of people left PSU]), and its been a long time since we even had a website for it. Things fell apart some time ago, and there isn't really a clan anymore... just some hardcore PSU players that are still around that was in jeM (like Peppercat, Meredy, Mebius, and I)
  4. Ace? From jeM?
    *is Tide*
    It's been a while! How're things?

    What's going on with jeM these days? Any idea?
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