Conversation Between jonigavin and Norco

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Norco, I'm eating breakfast now but will check PSZ lobby thruout this morning. It was great to see you albeit briefly.. xD
  2. I am gonna work on food while waiting for Chaos to log on, I will check my computer regularly ^_^
  3. Yoo ^_^

    I have some things for you. My ds is a bit broken so I cannot hunt but I can still trade ^_^
  4. Hey, Norco!
    Hold onto your DP.. Grats on your getting a better GR! Woot Woot!
    I'll check your trade list and see if I have items to do future trades..
    Happy moving..
    Take care.
  5. I might make it to the revival after all. Be sure to add my new FC though, I had some problem connecting earlier and got a new friendcode which is 2795 3185 7241.

    Anyway, I currently got a GR which is better than then one you have, so you will just the items I am suppose to give you(the Morgenlote, GR and Divine/Power). I am good with what I have atm ^_^
  6. Going to pass your items to Wind so he can pass them on to you I think. I am currently moving and also helping my mom move as well so I am very busy :/

    I'll be sure to add you to the list right away ^_^
  7. Hi, Norco!
    I still have your GR Soul lv3.. whenever you're free.. I also would like to be on your list.. Long live AJAX w Linear Shake! Thank you!
  8. Hey, Norco!
    I can't hop on-line at tonight's hotspot.. No Nintendo access, just web browse. Sigh. Hope to catch you in the latter part Aug.. Take care.
  9. ooo you're online, if you got time now we can do the trade real quick

    Edit: nvm, my friend is here to pick me up, got to run xD
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9