Conversation Between yoshiblue and RVR-87

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Ohh. I see. Thanks! I joined PSOW like 6 years ago but I only stayed around for about a month before disappearing again. I also don't have access to that email or anything anymore. I was just surprised is all. @.@ I didn't expect to be noticed!
  2. Nope, I type every one and try to make them slightly unique with every entry! Would have done it in the screenshot thread but that risks it never being seen. That thing can move to the next page pretty fast.
  3. I... was this automated? I don't even. o_o Hi.
  4. Nice catch on the rappy rangers! Now for what I came here for!

    Welcome to PSOW!
    May your stay be enjoyable and welcoming!
    I hope you learn many things and make many more friends!

    If you have any questions, be sure to check out the quick questions for quick answers thread! Fear not for not question is a dumb question!
    Need a convenient list to find a team? Give this thread a pass and find the team that interests you!

    ~Yoshiblue of FEZ's one man welcoming committee~
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