Conversation Between yoshiblue and W i n t e r

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you for such a warm welcome! I will be sure to promote my team on the thread as you instructed as well as ask any questions I may have. Thanks again for the welcome and I'm sorry about the usual greeter being busy :c
  2. Hello and welcome to PSOW!
    May your stay be awesome and your adventures be awesomer!
    May you make many friends and learn a thing or three!

    So for not getting a greeting so soon! Our usual greeter is busy, thus you get hobo Yoshi*boom*! Not sure how many people are on ship 8 but hey, if you want to promote your team, be sure to add it to our PSOW Team thread and see if you can get anyone to join!

    If you have any PSO2 related questions, be sure drop by the quick questions for quick answers thread! Have no fear for no question is a dumb one! So don't be afraid to throw questions like no tomorrow.

    ~Yoshiblue of FEZ's one man welcoming committee~
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2