Conversation Between Chidori and Stealthcmc1974

10 Visitor Messages

  1. I don't think I'm familiar with Angel Beats but this pretty cool.
  2. i am doing ok oh check this song out ;p
  3. Its going ok. Sucky internet is making it hard to upload any videos but overall okay. How about you?
  4. hey hows it going?
  5. lol ok good night!
  6. I'll see. For now, sleep lol. (But I probs will join up)
  7. well your more than welcome to join ours if you want im in ship 2 and my id is TwicePiecemen. Feel free to add me an leave me a message so i can send you an add if you want :3
  8. Actually, now that I think about it, I did make another account, and that one has no team yet...
  9. no problem! nice to meet you :3
  10. Thanks again for the welcome. Heard of your team, now I've met the leader.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10