Conversation Between earthsenshi and Akaimizu

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Actually, I'm doing pretty good. I can read both kanas, but only a little Kanji (usually to understand basic chinese symbols since the meaning remains the same) It's the compound Kanji that throws me off, still.

    Fortunately, most of the *important* stuff is in the kanas and a lot of english spelled in Katakana. I generally figured out how to configure my abilities correctly by the end. Too bad I didn't get so much more time to experiment with the Gi and Ra techs. I got some, but it was like the last hour or so when I got to use them.

    The only balance issue I see right now is Resta versus Charged Resta. One of them completely overshadows the other. There doesn't seem to be a real use for regular Resta when the Charged Resta does much more what you really want it to do. Not to mention, you can move while charging techs.

    That is, the Charged one heals for a lot of hitpoints, creates a healing area so any friendlies standing in it heal too, and it is a lasting effect that keeps repeating the heal. Anybody in there can heal to full in no time. The regular Resta is a one time shot for very very little HP recovery and only heals the caster. A monomate towers over the use of regular Resta 5 fold. Of course, if you're not in battle, you'd still used the Charged version. So in all practicality, I'm not sure why regular Resta is there.
  2. Yeah, I was able to walk around the lobbies a bit. I could only get though maybe 5 min of combat before my computer freaked out and I got booted off. The slide dodge was cool to see and I did manage to perform the charge and run from what parts of the tutorial I could do.
    How are you handling the Japanese only interface? I've been in Japan for 4 weeks now learning the language and I couldn't really read any of it still.
  3. Definitely. I'm definitely for it. I'll likely be using the same character. Towards the end, I was just getting used to the new Tech system and how to get new techs. They really made them prettier now. I also love that Forces can move while charging, and they can slide dodge, disappearing halfway through the motion. All in all, a pretty fun experience once I figured out the interface.
  4. I was on for a bit, but my display drivers don't like the game. Apparently, I don't have enough ram. T_T
    we should definitely party it up when I get this fixed.
  5. In Pre-open Beta. My character is EricWindhaven
  6. What's your character name for the pre-open beta?
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