Conversation Between BrianB and Pandorasbox

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Panda, where the heck have you been!!!!
  2. What game??????? Also do you have C&C? Just picked up first decade to complete all the old ones -- and to have 2 copies of Generals for lan play (dad is a big fan so we played last night). I have C&C 3, missed kane's wrath expansion and almost bought red alert 3..... It's addicting..
  3. Hey Panda, I was wondering which Battlefield game you'd recommend? I like B-Company and was looking at picking up one of the other more "normal" shooters. Any in particular?
  5. I say yes to bad pizza if it gets ya to the hospital faster. GWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5