Conversation Between BrianB and Fayth

8 Visitor Messages

  1. hey smi can u party tonight?
  2. SMI!!! how much does a new 17" laptop screen cost?!!?!? or just to repair it!?!?!? cause i accidetly knocked mine off a table about 2 1/2 feet up and the screen has a huge crack in it. its fine and doesnt distort the image much BUT I MIGHT NEED A NEW ONE!!!!
  3. smi log on msn plz i need some advice
  4. yo smi log on msn man i miss ya
  5. y dont u log on msn any more?
  6. hey smi where u been?
  7. hey smi i need some help. i need a free media converter that can convert mkv files to avi.
  8. bwa ha ha im the loli elf eared girl here to torment
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8